Tag Archives: Open Source

Merry Christmas from Uncle Albert

Merry Christmas Wet-shavers!

Edit: Recipe modified for safety!  I reduced the percentage of Essential Oils due to safety concerns.

As an extra special gift for the holiday season, I’ve decided to give something back to the community that has given me so much. I present to you the Open Shave License (OSL) and a little something extra.

Open Shave License:
Any recipe presented under this license is to be considered freely available to the general public and anyone using the recipe is entitled to change and or modify the recipe in full or in part as they see fit. The recipe is free for both private and commercial use. It is to be understood that any person or entity presenting a recipe under the Open Shave License (OSL) requests that any new recipes derived from the original recipe bear some form of acknowledgement to its origin.

And now, without further ado, I present to you:

Uncle Albert’s Amazing Solid Cream Shaving Cake — Atreides Scent

(This recipe presented under the OSL)
4oz. Life of the Party(tm) Natural Clear Olive Oil Soap (Special Suspension Formula)
5 drops Lemon EO
5 drops Jasmine EO
2 drops Lime EO
6 drops Clove EO
3 drops Allspice EO
3 drops Anise EO
4 drops Lavender EO
3 drops Cedarwood EO
7 drops Sandalwood/Vanilla FO
35 drops Almond Oil
1/2 teaspoon Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay (Bentonite)

Mix the oils in a small cup.
Melt the soap base thoroughly.
Stir in clay until well dispersed.
Stir in oil mixture.
Pour into mold.
Wait impatiently for soap to harden.
Remove from mold.
Place puck in mug.


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